L'Officiel Magazine: HONOR THE TRADITION

The Yucatan Peninsula represents the evolution of centuries of knowledge.
Here comes Taller Maya, a brand made up of a multidisciplinary creative team that collaborates with artisans.



In 2002, Taller Maya was created in response to an initiative to recover techniques specific to Maya culture, through a program of the Haciendas del Mundo Maya Foundation (FHMM).

"We are interested in talking about talent, creativity, and, above all, the self-management of social artisanal enterprises. The objective is to help market the work of all the workshops under fair trade conditions. My role as the new creative director is to shape the project on three levels: internal creative structure, design of new products, and development of communications to reach a broad audience," says Joel Escalona.

Taller Maya Collection

The first collection will be marketed through the Ensamble Artesano initiative, a collaborative platform formed by organizations that have design and artisanal production in Mexico as a common ground. "It is one of the broadest collections I have worked on, with more than a dozen artisanal techniques and natural materials, objects created in collaboration with almost 200 artisans established in 40 communities in Yucatan. All to maintain the value chain that serves as a source of income for this sector of the population," explains Escalona.

Taller Maya not only speaks of creativity, but also of well-being, commitment, and social responsibility, in a time that has rediscovered the authentic.



Curator at ZⓈONAMACO Emergente 2021


Bodega Creative Process